Frequently asked questions.
Do I need a referral to see you?
No, you do not need a referral to book an appointment. You can self-refer to our clinic.
Does MSP cover the cost of the assessment?
No, we are a private clinic. For vestibular assessments offered in the public system (around 12 months waitlist, by ENT referral) visit Balance and Dizziness Canada
Does my Extended Health Plan/Health Insurance cover the cost of the assessment?
Some plans do cover the cost of this assessment. Please consult your plan policy directly and search for coverage for services provided by a Registered Audiologist.
I have a claim open with ICBC. Can you bill them for your services?
No, unfortunately at this time we are unable to bill ICBC. You would make the payment for the services rendered and seek reimbursement with ICBC.
Is your clinic right for me? What are your tests?
We provide comprehensive diagnostic vestibular testing (VNG, vHIT, calorics and VEMPs as needed). These tests are not provided by Physiotherapists or ENT doctors. If you have any questions about your symptoms of dizziness, vertigo or balance issues and are looking for ways to manage these symptoms, we can help. Read more about Who should be tested