Guide to In-Person Appointments

  • On the day of your appointment, please arrive on time (within 5 minutes of your scheduled time). Please avoid arriving too early in order to not spend time in the waiting area. Notify the front desk staff of your arrival. The Audiologist will come meet you at the reception.

  • In the testing room, the Audiologist will begin by clarifying your answers on the intake questionnaire. A hearing test will be performed if you have not had one in the past 6 months.

  • We will proceed with testing your balance. You will be asked to keep your balance, standing as steady as you can in these conditions:

    – standing with feet hip width apart, first with eyes open, then with eyes closed

    – standing with feet in tandem (as if taking a step), first with eyes open, then with eyes closed

    – then you will walk on the same spot (almost like marching), first with eyes open, then with eyes closed

    – you will take your shoes off and will keep your balance now standing on a foam with feet hip width apart, first with eyes open, then with eyes closed

  • You will put your shoes on and sit on a chair, facing the wall with blue spots. Sanitized goggles with a new, disposable face protector will be placed on your face. The goggles will fit tight like swim goggles. You will be asked to look straight ahead at the center blue spot. You will then see 2 red dots to the sides of the blue spot; they will help us align your head.

    Then there will be only one red laser, which will move from side to side. You will follow it with your eyes only, not moving your head. The red laser will disappear when the camera in the goggles is calibrated.

    You will be asked to stare at each blue spot for about 10 seconds – center, right, left, up and down – not moving your head, moving your eyes only.

  • A light-tight disinfected cover will be placed over the goggles. In the darkness, keep your eyes open, as if you could still see the center blue spot, straight ahead from you.

    A couple more tests will be done while you are in the darkness: you will feel a vibration and sound similar to an electric toothbrush being placed behind your right ear for a few seconds, then behind your left ear – just keep your eyes naturally open. The Audiologist will then move your head repetitively side to side for about 30 sec. You will be asked to just relax your neck and continue to keep your eyes naturally open.

  • The cover will then be removed, and you will see the red laser again. You will be asked to follow the red laser as closely, and as accurately as you can, moving your eyes fast, without moving your head.

    Next, the Audiologist will move your head side to side again a few times while you look at the center blue spot.

    Then you will create a target close to you by extending your arms forward, interlacing your fingers and sticking one thumb up. You will look at your thumb while the Audiologist helps you turn your upper body side to side a few times.

  • You will then be asked to look straight ahead at the center blue spot. The Audiologist will be behind you and will hold your head firmly to perform small but fast, random side to side head movements. Your job will be to relax your neck, allow for the head movements to be done and to keep your eyes on the center blue spot.

    You will be given breaks as needed if you feel dizziness or any other symptoms. Next, you will turn your head halfway to the right, while keeping your eyes on the center blue spot. The Audiologist will then place her hand on the top of your head and under your chin, performing small but fast head movements forwards and backwards.

    For the last part of this series of fast head movements, you will be asked to turn your head halfway to the left and similar, small but fast forwards and backwards head movements will be performed, while you keep your eyes on the center blue spot.

  • You will then transfer to the bed for positional testing. You will turn your back to the Audiologist, legs extended on the bed, and the cover will be placed on the goggles again. With the help of the Audiologist, you will turn your head halfway to the right and lie down, with your head slightly lower than your body. You will be asked to keep your eyes open at all times. After about a minute, you will be helped to sit back up. The same will be done with your head turned halfway to the left.

    Then you will lie flat on the bed and asked to roll, like a log, body and head together, onto your right-hand side. After a few seconds, you will roll onto your back and then roll again onto your left.

    Results and next steps will be discussed with you right away. A report of the results will be sent to you in a week’s time.